At BeaconPoint ...

We focus on Retirement Income Planning and offer insurance, and investment strategies to individuals, businesses, and families at all states of life.

Investment planning

Investment planning now to achieve your goals of the future

Investment planning

Through the different phases of life, choosing the right investment planning strategies and products can help prepare today for the tomorrow we dream of.

Whether that’s planning for retirement, saving to help a child or grandchild through post-secondary education, or for other investment goals, we’ll help light the path to achieve all of your investment goals.

Types of investments

Investment planning

The foundation of a strategic investment planning strategy is choosing the right type of investment products. The right types of investment products depends on each individual’s investment goals, needs, lifestyle, risk tolerance, and other pertinent factors.

Some of the most common types of investment products we help our clients manage are:

These are just some of the endless list of products we can leverage as part of your investment planning to help you reach your investment goals. By creating a detailed investment strategy and using the right investment products, we can help bring your investment dreams to life!

Finding the right investment products

Investment planning

There are many different investment products on the market. Some of the more common ones are listed above, but there are multitudes of additional products ranging from quite simple and straightforward to incredibly complex.

The right products for you depend so much on who you are, what your current situation is, and what your goals are.

If you just graduated school and are at the beginning of your career, the time that you have ahead of you is a huge advantage over someone who is more mature and doesn’t have as much time before they need to start drawing from their investments.

Someone who is self-employed and pays little income tax would benefit from different products than someone who earns a higher level of declared income. Someone who wants a simple retirement lifestyle might need a different mix of investment products than someone who wants see the world during their golden years.

Our commitment to our clients is to find the right mix of products to support their investment planning strategies and to help them achieve their investment and retirement goals. Can we help you achieve the retirement you’ve dreamed of?

Changing with your life phases

Investment planning

As you travel your journey through the four different phases of life, the investment planning strategies and products you need to reach your goals will change.

In your early career, you might be more aggressive with how much you invest and your risk tolerance. As you start a family, you might need to invest more in your growing family’s home, leaving less to savings investments. In the early years of starting your business, your investment strategy might tend towards protecting your ability to earn an income no matter what life brings your way. Your investments can still grow in retirement, even as you start drawing an income from them.

We’ll be with you every step of your way to make sure you have the right investment products for each phase of your life. Enjoy peace of mind knowing we’ll be your guiding light along your life path.